Thursday, July 8, 2010

In the blogs today..

AVS writes..
AVS is a member of the Comedy brigade that dominates the Telugu Film Industry today. Besides being a successful actor, he is a Director too. Before entering the tinsel world he was a Journalist. Recently, he started a blog - "AVS Post.....". In his latest post, he urged the film lovers to discourage piracy and save the film industry.  With the sort of the comments that it has received so far, it looks AVS is in for a typical, bloggish treatment, first time in his blog.

There is a point in what the commenters wrote. What say..?

A Tribute to YSR 
In its latest post, 24 Gantalu paid glowing tributes to YSR on the occasion of the late leader's birthday.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Bulldozer of Telugu blogs

He enjoys leg pulling. He excels at writing parodies. His criticism is very sharp. He writes authoritatively about Hindu religious issues, social issues etc.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce Malakpet Rowdythe Web Avatar of Velamakanni Bharadwaja, a Software professional living in the US. One of the most famous Telugu bloggers. One of the founders of Malika, the latest of the blog aggregators. One of the active members of (It looks this site is defunct now). But there is another side of him; the more widely known side of the Rowdy. 

If there is one voice that can bulldoze the strongest of the opinions, that can shout down the most vocal voices in the Telugu Blog world, it is his. He is the Rowdy of Telugu blogs. He is a maverick war monger, a born wrestler. His language has power. His sharp expression thrashes the bravest of the opponents. He has been involved in pitched Blog battles and almost always came out victor. The vanquished leaves the battle field bleeding profusely. He enjoyed making fools out of his opponents and proved this mettle time and again.

Anti-Hindu atheists are his most favorite opponents. He proclaimed several times that he has no qualms with a rational atheist, but cannot spare the one who talks rubbish in the name of atheism. He didn't spare anybody, however big they might be. Names like Innayya were his victims. Praveen (the Sarma), Krishna, Krishnasree are some of the lesser mortals who fell prey to him. While Praveen continues to be his most infamous opponent, the latter two seem to have made ceasefire agreements with the Rowdy. Praveen continues to be the gang's favorite whipping boy. The gang has setup an exclusive blog for Praveen - - The Association of Praveen's victims. When the gang is not busy battling, they hang out at this blog.

Gang? You asked about Gang? Here you go..

The Rowdy has his bunch of followers er.. Associates too. Prominent among them are Manchu Pallaki, Ongole Srinu, Ekalingam and, of course, the one and only Sharath. Though Manchu and Ekalingam seem to maintain some distance from Rowdy, they are two of the active members. It looks there are a few others, but camouflaged. Nagaprasad used to be a very active member, but is not spotted around these days. He closed his blog and it looks he left the gang for good.

The followers are very quick to respond when the leader announces the battle. And they respond valiantly and very violently. Together with the followers, Bharadwaja has formed this formidable gang, the fearsome Kelukudu Batch. This gang is one of the most feared and the most hated entities in the Telugu Blog World. At times, it is the most admired one too. Malakpet Rowdy does not accept himself as leader and the rest as his followers. Neither do the followers. But, the onlookers can spot a commander organizing his forces and marching them to make the kill.

The gang works to a precise plan. The battle starts with a brief, innocent-looking comment in the opponent's blog. At this stage, in almost all the cases, the blogger does not understand what lies ahead for him. He responds, of course, innocently. Pat comes another comment over the above response. Generally, it is a one liner question. The response is so quick and the question is so simple, that if the opponent is intelligent, he/she can sense the trouble. But, as it turned out so far, none of the opponents is intelligent.

In most cases, these initial comments are in the form of questions. Rowdy poses the questions and the unsuspecting blogger responds with his answers. In the process, Rowdy sucks the patience out of the blogger and brings out the beast in him. By the time the opponent understands where he is, he will have lost patience. Now starts the real battle. This is the time when the rest of the force joins the Commander. No word is spared, no weapon is left unused. The opponent is overwhelmed by the barrage of comments. History, Religion, famous quotes, Anthropology, Archeology, Computer Science, Astronomy, Astrology -no subject is left untouched no ism is left unquoted until the opponent is brought to his/her knees. The blog turns red with blood.

Some times the battle field is set at the Rowdy's blog. At times, it might be the blog of one of the followers. Wherever they fight, whoever be the opponent - it is the gang that wins. It is the opponent that bleeds. Admirably, Rowdy rarely loses his cool.

Some times, the battle is carried remotely. The opponents never come face to face with each other. But the battle goes on. It is a one way battle. The opponent is dragged into the field through impersonation. The gang members under the disguise of the opponent write comments that fuel the battle. This is one of the few inappropriate acts of the gang, while 'using inappropriate language' and 'attacking the friends of the opponents'  are the other significant ones.

During the battle, no onlooker raises the voice in favor of the poor opponent. This could be because of two reasons. In almost all the cases, the gang is more rational, more logical and more reasonable. Second reason is the fear -fear of the gang. If any stray voice is heard, it is drowned in the din.

For now, Malakpet Rowdy and his Kelukudu Batch rule the Telugu blogs. For some, the gang looks undemocratic. But the gang says they are more democratic than many and claims that they brought democracy to Telugu Blog World.

Political power shots

Two blogs, famous for the political commentaries are out with new posts today. One is Chaduvari and the other is Chakirevu.

Chaduvari took exception to the reported statement of Sharad Pawar, requesting the PM to divest him of some of his responsibilities to bring him some relief.

Chakirevu criticized Jagan's statement about his impending tour of North Andhra, in which he mentioned about following the footsteps of his father.

As usual, both of them went along their established styles.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Telugu Blog Aggregators

Telugu blogs are growing in numbers. There are several aggregators which capture the feed from these blogs and present to the readers promptly.

Following are the details of the aggregators.

Koodali ( This is the oldest Blog aggregator on the scene. Veeven is the owner and Administrator of Koodali. Started in 2006, Koodali dominated the aggregator scene, and it continues to do so. Pleasing User interface is the most important positive aspect of Koodali. Being the long standing player in the field, it is the most widely used aggregator. But it lacks a few important features: Delay in appearance of the posts and comments. There is a huge lag of upto one hour before a new post appears on Koodali. This is the biggest drawback of Koodali. It uses Python based Planet feed reader software. Koodali constitutes for about 50% of the total aggregator traffic to the blogs.

Telugu Bloggers ( was started almost at the same time as Koodali. It was setup by Chandrasekhar Vallabhaneni. He is the least visible owner of all the aggrgators. He never really put explicit efforts to make it popular, which is, perhaps, the reason for its less popularity. It runs on Wordpress.

Jalleda ( Jalleda was started in 2007 and is the first to show individual statistics regarding the posts and comments. The people behind this aggregator are not known. There are many technical issues with this browser, mainly because of the huge amount of database calls that it makes. perhaps, it is time they moved to a virtual hosting, if not a dedicated hosting. Jalleda is also slow to capture latest posts and comments. One annoying issue with jalleda is that the comments appear repeatedly. When you go the the Author comments page, this repetition increases telescopically, if not exponentially. The first comment appears once, the second one twice, third one thrice,.. etc. It needs a correction immediately.

Haaram ( Haaram came into being in 2009. This is the only aggregator which runs on Microsoft technology. This is probably the fastest of all the aggregators. Bhaskararami Reddy is the man behind this site. Haaram is one of the fastest to show the posts and comments; they appear almost immediately.

Malika ( Malika is probably the fastest to show the latest posts and comments. This aggregator is the outcome of a tussle between Koodali and a few bloggers. When Koodali expressed inclination towards blocking some blogs based on the content, there was opposition from few people. That opposition led to the evolution of Malika which is a collective effort of Bharadwaja Velamakanni, Ekalingam and others.

Besides the above, there are two other aggregators:
A2Z Dreams ( by Haranadh Kandulapati
Telugu Web Media ( by Praveen Mandangi

There used to be another Aggregator -, which ran for more than a year from 2006. It was shut down after the untimely demise of Kalyan, one of its promoters. Kalyan started a Tamil blog aggregator which too was closed.

As the Telugu blogging is still in its infancy, the aggregators continue to capture all the new posts and comments, and the readers are able to see their favorite blogs without missing any. But, when the number of blogs increases beyond these levels, the latest posts move down fast and disappear quickly from the page, and readers will lose site of their favorite blogs. To counter this, aggregators need to come out with user-customizable reading lists. Or, users should move to personal feed readers like Google Reader.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Create a contact form

We see different tyupes of forms on the web sites. Contact form, Sign up forms, Suggestion forms, etc. But creating such form on a Blog is something many bloggers don't know. With Google Docs, it is a matter of minutes now. The post explains in a few simple steps.
  1. Login to your Gmail account. If you don't have a Google account, create one. It is free.
  2. On the top left of the Gmail interface, you see the links for other Google services like Docs, Calendar, Orkut etc.
  3. Click Docs. It opens in a separate window or tab.
  4. Click "Create New" and click 'Forms' in its sub menu.
  5. You can create a new form using the friendly interface.
  6. Save the form. 
  7. In the "More Actions" menu, you will see the "Embed" sub menu. Click it.
  8. You will see the embed code. Copy that code.
  9. Paste that code on the page or post of your blog 
  10. Lo! you have the form ready on your blog.
  11. When the user submits the information through this form, the data is captured in a Google Excel sheet associated to it. You can see this Excel sheet in your Google Docs.
 Should you have any doubts on this process, please write to us using the comments form of this post. 

    A blog with a genuine purpose

    There are blogs which publish commentaries on politics, current events or contemporary issues. There are blogs which present poetry or film reviews. There are blogs, dedicated to media watch and some dedicated to an ideology and some to IT. Today, we introduce a blog, dedicated to Science.

    Science articles are rare in Telugu. Great writers of yesteryear like Mahidhara Nalinimohana Rao wrote several books on Science. Very few Science books or articles are written presently, almost non existent in blogs. Sastravigjnanam stepped in to fill this gap. Run by three young men, the blog presents several articles on Science, popular Science, scientific temperament etc in crisp Telugu. The blog features stories based on Science, as well.  One of the bloggers, Srinivasa Chakravarthy, wrote several books on Science in Telugu.

    The quality of language used in the blog is of high quality. Some Science terms in English are used as is, untranslated. Wherever translated, the translations are apt and precise.

    With about 300 posts, the blog is a wealth of Science articles in Telugu. Kudos to the Bloggers!

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    Media Matters

    Mainstream Media in Andhra Pradesh has seen sort of an explosion in the last two years. There are more than 25 TV channels, with most of them in the News and Entertainment sector. All these channels air the programs in Telugu, mostly catering to the people living in the State. Considering the tele-density in the state, the number of channels can be considered as overflowing. This led to a fierce competition amongst the channels for the Television Rating Points (TRPs). Besides there are at least two new newspapers on the media horizon in the last two years.

    Competition is always good for the consumers. And we saw the benefits of the competition in the Telephone sector. Gone are the days when people used to request the MLAs and MPs for recommendation letters to get a telephone allotted on priority. Now every pocket has a phone and virtually at rock bottom prices.

    But this is not the case with the TV media. Competition brought no improvement in the quality of the service. Instead, it led the channels resort to cheap tactics to attract the eyeballs. It all started with the channels claiming 'exclusives', 'we showed it first', etc. This 'been there' attitude led to further shouting. It went to that level that the field reporters while reporting the news, focussed more on 'we reported this first', 'faster than any other channel' etc. Showing obscenities in the guise of news, glorifying the crimes by telecasting real life crime stories (reconstructed), showing late night soft porn shows etc have become the order of the day.  Channels stooped to such levels that one of the entertainment channels had to be asked to stop telecasting a program by the State Human Rights Commission (Later the channel got a stay on the order). Almost all the channels resorted to such cheap practices, barring a few. As the competition grew hotter, the channels got nastier. Instead of honing their production and presentation skills, the channels started sharpening their knives to back stab the competitors.

    There are many allegations that the channels are resorting to unethical journalistic practices like extortion and blackmailing too. A recent exposure by ABN, of an underhand deal by an NTV top employee proved the point. In fact, it is believed that one such blackmailing tactics employed by a channel on an educational institution, some three years back, was one of the reasons that led to the institution establishing their own news channel.

    But, little is reported about the state of the TV media in Telugu blogs. Bloggers do write about the media, do criticize it but not regularly. There is a great need for some blogs dedicated to the media. Some blogs appeared in the past, but those are all vindictive in nature and resorted personal tirades.

    But there is one blog, AP Media matters, trying to fill this gap. Started a year back by S. Ramu, a media veteran, this blog keenly observes the print and TV media and reports promptly. He advocates Journalistic ethics and reports about the unethical practices resorted to, by the media houses and the journos.

    Besides reporting, he also brings to light some of the issues facing the journalists which normally do not see the light. Recently he reported the story of a TV presenter who was fired by her employer, because she wrote some posts in her blog, which are unsavory to the employer.

    The blog is regularly followed by many enthusiastic readers. Though the blog is generally unbiased in its criticism, there are instances where the readers complained about selective criticism. Overall, the blog is doing a good job. There is need for more such blogs on mainstream media.

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    Telangana.. Telangana!

    Telangana is one of the hot favorite topics of Telugu bloggers. Understandably so! Andhra Pradesh is passing through one of its most trying times. A prolonged agitation is going on for bifurcating the State and to carve out the new state of Telangana. The Telugu people are polarized along the pro and anti bifurcation. Telugu bloggers are also divided along the same lines. Many bloggers voiced their opinions as and when a new issue is thrown up. 

    Currently, 10 State Legislative Assembly constituencies in Telangana, are going to polls in July. (Update: Two more are added after the court ruling on Jun30.) The vacancies have arisen because the legislators of TRS party - the chief agitator  - resigned as part of their agitation. Since the other parties' legislators did not resign, TRS argues that these parties have no moral right to participate in the elections. The other parties -Congress and TDP - are firm to participate and strive to defeat TRS -albeit in the interest of a separate Telangana.

    Surprisingly, Telugu bloggers did not write much about these elections. But for a few posts here and there, the Blog world is nearly silent. Here is an anti Congress, TDP post written by We3Ours3. The blogger warns these parties  'you don't have a place in these constituencies'. Saamaanyudu gave a call to boycott the electionsWe can expect  more posts in the coming weeks. 

    We will keep you updated.

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    For Technorati verification

    Technorati verification code: H875TPCH49WX

    Sunday, June 27, 2010

    Classical Poetry Blog

    Recently Telugu bloggers have witnessed vigorous activity in a new blog - Sankarabharanam. The blog is  dedicated to the traditional Telugu poetry form -Chandobaddha Padyam -metered poetry. Metered poetry is one of the oldest literary forms and major Telugu literary works of yesteryears were done in this form, but it is not widespread among the present generation. Despite this, the new blog received good number of comments.

    There is a pattern for the posts on this blog. The blogger throws a riddle by giving one line of a poem and asking his readers to complete the poem rendering a specific meaning. Readers are participating actively and the Blogger is able to nurture a community around his blog.

    The Blogger is a retired Telugu teacher and it looks he is enjoying the extension of his career. Good job, Kandi Sankarayya!

    There are a few other blogs where metered poetry is written like Andhramrutham, Indradhanussu, Padyamanjusha, Nenu-Naa Kavitvam. There is web site dedicated to the Chandobaddha Padyam

    Telugu Blogs move on..

    2000+ blogs, 60+ new posts a day, 5 aggregators, 3-4 blog wars, many more battles -This is what Telugu blog world today. Though Telugu blogs are growing in both quantity and quality, little is known about Telugu blogs in the Blogosphere. This is mainly due to the absence of a vehicle which presents Telugu blogs to the English Reader. One or two attempts were made in the past, but were not continued for more than two three posts. Telugu Blog World wants to bridge this gap. 

    We aim to chronicle the happenings in Telugu blogs and present it to the Blog world. We feature at least one article per week on Telugu blogs.

    We have also started putting up a list of Telugu blogs. We want it to be as comprehensive as possible. You can see the list at the page "List of Telugu Blogs".

    We invite your comments and suggestions.