Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Telangana.. Telangana!

Telangana is one of the hot favorite topics of Telugu bloggers. Understandably so! Andhra Pradesh is passing through one of its most trying times. A prolonged agitation is going on for bifurcating the State and to carve out the new state of Telangana. The Telugu people are polarized along the pro and anti bifurcation. Telugu bloggers are also divided along the same lines. Many bloggers voiced their opinions as and when a new issue is thrown up. 

Currently, 10 State Legislative Assembly constituencies in Telangana, are going to polls in July. (Update: Two more are added after the court ruling on Jun30.) The vacancies have arisen because the legislators of TRS party - the chief agitator  - resigned as part of their agitation. Since the other parties' legislators did not resign, TRS argues that these parties have no moral right to participate in the elections. The other parties -Congress and TDP - are firm to participate and strive to defeat TRS -albeit in the interest of a separate Telangana.

Surprisingly, Telugu bloggers did not write much about these elections. But for a few posts here and there, the Blog world is nearly silent. Here is an anti Congress, TDP post written by We3Ours3. The blogger warns these parties  'you don't have a place in these constituencies'. Saamaanyudu gave a call to boycott the electionsWe can expect  more posts in the coming weeks. 

We will keep you updated.

Monday, June 28, 2010

For Technorati verification

Technorati verification code: H875TPCH49WX

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Classical Poetry Blog

Recently Telugu bloggers have witnessed vigorous activity in a new blog - Sankarabharanam. The blog is  dedicated to the traditional Telugu poetry form -Chandobaddha Padyam -metered poetry. Metered poetry is one of the oldest literary forms and major Telugu literary works of yesteryears were done in this form, but it is not widespread among the present generation. Despite this, the new blog received good number of comments.

There is a pattern for the posts on this blog. The blogger throws a riddle by giving one line of a poem and asking his readers to complete the poem rendering a specific meaning. Readers are participating actively and the Blogger is able to nurture a community around his blog.

The Blogger is a retired Telugu teacher and it looks he is enjoying the extension of his career. Good job, Kandi Sankarayya!

There are a few other blogs where metered poetry is written like Andhramrutham, Indradhanussu, Padyamanjusha, Nenu-Naa Kavitvam. There is web site dedicated to the Chandobaddha Padyam -padyam.net.

Telugu Blogs move on..

2000+ blogs, 60+ new posts a day, 5 aggregators, 3-4 blog wars, many more battles -This is what Telugu blog world today. Though Telugu blogs are growing in both quantity and quality, little is known about Telugu blogs in the Blogosphere. This is mainly due to the absence of a vehicle which presents Telugu blogs to the English Reader. One or two attempts were made in the past, but were not continued for more than two three posts. Telugu Blog World wants to bridge this gap. 

We aim to chronicle the happenings in Telugu blogs and present it to the Blog world. We feature at least one article per week on Telugu blogs.

We have also started putting up a list of Telugu blogs. We want it to be as comprehensive as possible. You can see the list at the page "List of Telugu Blogs".

We invite your comments and suggestions.